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The Detection of Distracted Driving by Measuring Brainwaves


Distracted drivers go through a phase of cognitive disruption while driving. Symptoms of this disruption include the withdrawal of attention from visual scenes and different happenings that occur on roads, streets, and highways while driving are not recognized or processed. In 2011, 3,331 people were killed and 387,000 individuals were injured due to distracted driving cases. [1] A 2010 study concludes 160,000 accidents involved texting or emailing during the primary task of driving and a much larger 1.1 million accidents involved talking on cell phones while operating motor vehicles. [2] Because of this serious issue, experiment procedures consisted of measuring normal brain waves while driving and comparing those results to the brain activity of individuals that drive distracted. By building a driving stimulation system and using devices listed below, researchers produced results that show how cognitively distracted individuals are that text, talk, and use Bluetooth mobile technologies while operating motor vehicles.


[1] Epstein, Varda. ‘The Blog”. Texting While Driving. <>. June 2013. December 2013

[2] National Safety Council. “Understanding the Distracted Brain”. Why Driving While Using Hands Free Cell Phone is Risky. < http://ww>. April 2012. December.
























       Group member: Gary Barbour

Logitech driving seat

Logitech driving wheel, transmission, and foot pedals

Recorded Frequency-Brainwaves


Electrolyte gel is used with the EEG helmet and allows easy conduction between the head surface and transducers (white circular- attachments).

Electroencephalogram (EEG) helmet

The EEG helmet measures the electrical activity of the brain during normal and distracted driving conditions.

Car Stimulation System

A driving stimulation system with various scenarios that change density of traffic and happenings on rural, city and suburban streets. System components can be altered to measure normal/distracted drivers at morning afternoon & evening times in rain, snow, clear sky, or hail conditions.

8x8 Multichannel System

 16 Multichannel System

Wireless Router

The wireless router produces a connection between the computer and chassis using the same local area networks.

Wireless data acquisition module (cDAQ)

The cDAQ-9191 (bird eye and side view) is capable of sending data wirelessly over a local network and has 127 samples with 4 channels at a12.5 nanosecond timing and resolution.



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