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My Story 













Previous times in my life were filled with joy and memorable moments but nothing compared to inner fulfillment I gained after discovering who I was. During headache and heartbreak, failure and fatigue I honestly learned a child of God, friend of Jesus Christ, and daughter of Deborah Ravizee is who I am and the reason why I’ve made it this far. While growing up with siblings John and Shekinah Ravizee, opportunities were not available or afforded to us. We did the best we could with what we had and my single parent household projected my drive to reject mediocre, be great, and always remember that superior work ethic, focus and determination avails unlimited prospects of success. Via speaking engagements, scholarship/service projects, and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) conferences, I’ve traveled across the United States with hopes of empowering students. Using internship meetings as well as professional development workshops and trainings, I have committed myself to changing the lives of others. By graduating with a B.S. degree in Optical Engineering, minor degree in Mathematics and now a Master of Engineering Management degree, I have vowed to use my mission, vision, and success as a story. I want young adults and STEM scholars to know where you finish and how you complete the race is all that matters. While steadfastly leaving my legacy to witness, I pray my life exudes my personal brand of excellence, the art of thinking big, and the faith and fortitude that’s needed to persevere.


Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution. – Aristotle 



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